We begin our earthly journey in the active world of doing. That transports us to a world of dreams and imagination. Then, peaceful moments in nature bring us to a heavenly reality. The phrase “opening up the heavens” or “an open heaven” has taken on a new meaning in this place. To become one with God requires surrendering oneself completely to the point of worldly invisibility. When everything fades, and you’re left bare in nothingness, oneness can arise. Through nothingness, God is revealed.
Finding your way back to yourself means coming back to the oneness of God in you. In this inner sanctuary, you reunite with your authentic self. In your core, beyond distractions, thoughts, and your own will, God is fully present. All the time alive in you and you in Him. And you will go out no more (Revelation 3:12).
God has already created what we call the future. In this future, life is fully restored and made completely new. Being fully restored means being in full holiness. To be holy is to be united with what God created, which includes the inner sanctuary within you.
When the inner sanctuary is touched, light can overflow into the outside world. Resurrection! This enclosed garden (the soul) is where God dwells. You’re now looking at the summit of Mt. Carmel, the Lord’s sacred mountain. That was the journey! By moving past all the idols and darkness within your soul, one can reach the holy summit of His mountain.
As we reach the mountain’s peak, the words ‘And I will dwell with my people’ gain prominence.